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Melatonin or CBD For Sleep, Which One is More Effective?

The recovery of our entire body depends on sleep at night or in the dark. At that time, Melatonin, a hormone associated with sleeping, activates and recharges us for the next day. Having a sound seven to eight-hour sleep has many physical and mental benefits.

You feel more energetic and happy after a relaxing sleep. However, sometimes it’s impossible to have more than 6-hour sleep due to the nature of work or rest deprivation syndrome. In this case, many over-the-counter medicines cover the melatonin levels in your body and provide you with a healthy life.

However, are these products suitable for daily intake? Let’s find out in detail.

What’s The Best Between Melatonin And CBD For Sleep? Our Alternative

NooCube – Sleep Upgrade

There are a lot of medicines that you can use as safe sleeping pills. But you cannot get every medication over-the-counter and need a proper doctor’s prescription. Noocube came up with a better solution by introducing Sleep Upgrade. You can order this healthy sleep-assisting formula from the company’s website without your doctor’s recommendation.

This made-in-USA product is globally available, thanks to their free worldwide shipping. Many of Sleep Upgrade’s customers are again enjoying their lives to the fullest because this product helps them sleep fast, get deep sleep, get a prolonged rest, and wake up every day with high energy.

Sleep Grade has all the benefits of different natural pants and melatonin-free formulas that positively impact your body and soul. However, the most potent ingredient in this product is the soothing Lemon Balm which has superior qualities within the mint family. It is tremendously beneficial to calm the nerves of people suffering from anxiety and insomnia.

Next, we have nature’s own sedative, Lavender, that enhances the calming and soothing effect of Sleep Upgrade naturally. Apart from the above herbs, the formula inside this product contains Vitamin D3, which is sustainable for the environment because it is vegan. Magnesium speeds up your sleeping, and Calcium relates to healthy sleeping.

Noocube’s Sleep Upgrade is perfect for anyone not getting adequate and relaxing sleep daily. However, if you have night shifts in your work, are more productive at night, or have a lot on your plate to shut your eye at regular intervals, then you should take Sleep Upgrade religiously.

Taking Sleep Upgrade pills every day is pretty straightforward. All you have to do is take one pill 30-mins before your usual bedtime and lie in bed. Once you start feeling sleepy, close all your activities and get in your sleeping position to have a peaceful sleep recovery.

In a nutshell Noocube claims to recharge you into a new YOU within 90 days if you take a sleep Upgrade daily. The formula and composition of this product give you a dreamy sleep, a fantastic feeling after the sleeping session, lots of energy, health, and complete sleep therapy. With a significant customer base, the company is undoubtedly helping people around the world to get a better lifestyle

What is better for sleep, Melatonin or CBD oil?

Melatonin is a natural hormone inside the pineal gland in your brain that activates at night or in the dark. This hormone associates with muscular recovery in your body and regulates sleep-wake cycles. So, it is an essential hormone for our body. However, everyone cannot produce it naturally due to their daily lifestyle. That’s why there are a lot of over-the-counter melatonin products to cover the depletion of this hormone in your body.


Most melatonin supplements are suitable for daytime consumption, so you are able to dose off in the morning. However, if you are not going to sleep at the time of consumption, it can hinder your work. These supplements are unsuitable for daily consumption, a problem for some people who need medicinal assistance to sleep.

Let’s talk about CBD as a member of endocannabinoid enzymes that your body can produce. These natural endocannabinoids have soothing and relaxing qualities in them. Like Melatonin, CBD also activates at night and regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

Once again, to cover the CBD deficiency, you need to take supplements from exogenous cannabinoids extracted from sativa and indica cannabis plants. The major downfall of CBD supplements is their addiction if you do not handle them with care. If that happens, the person will need to have a higher dose. The withdrawal of CBD supplements will affect the sleeping cycle again.

Considering all that, Melatonin is better than CBD oil.

Can CBD and Melatonin be taken together?

Since CBD and Melatonin are naturally produced in your body, it is safe to say that they complement hormones. Therefore, many medical professionals recommend taking Melatonin and CBD supplements together due to their complementing nature. However, you must be careful with the dosage and only take what your doctor has recommended.

The care is mandatory, especially with CBD, due to its construction from cannabis plants. In addition, an over-dosage of CBD can be addictive, which is not suitable for health in the long run.

These hormones are mainly associated with managing the sleep-wake cycle and keeping you calm and soothing during the night. If your daily routine restrains you from having a recommended seven to nine hours of nighttime sleeping, then you must take Melatonin and CBD supplements for your general well-being.

Is CBD good for sleeping better?

CBD or endocannabinoids naturally produces in your body that helps reduce anxiety and the sleep-wake cycle. However, just like Melatonin, these hormones also stimulate in dark hours, and if you are not sleeping, your body will have a deficiency of endocannabinoids.

Therefore, using CBD supplements helps in getting better sleep. However, it is associated with weed which is addictive. So, there are very few FDA-approved products that are safe to use. However, a better practice is to always consult your doctor before using a supplement. CBD has the tendency to disturb your sleeping cycle if you abuse the dosage of this supplement.

Is CBD better than sleeping pills?

Most sleeping pills have chemical ingredients that act as sedatives to induce sleep in your body artificially. These medicines are dangerous for you if there is a slight overdose. Sleeping pills are typically given to people with psychopathic disabilities and high anxiety levels. Therefore, you can only get these pills with a doctor’s prescription.

On the other hand, CBD is mainly sativa and indica cannabis plant extracts that help you get a night of healthy sleep. However, over-dosage of CBD is unhealthy because it is addictive.

CBD is better than sleeping pills with artificial sedatives if you like a healthy sleeping supplement.

Our Recommendation

Every sleep expert recommends seven to nine hours of shut-eye for adults because this is ideal for body recovery. Lack of sleep is associated with diabetes, high blood pressure, consistent bad mood, lethargy, depression, anxiety, and in the worst cases, strokes. Our body produces sleeping regulating hormones in the shape of Melatonin and endocannabinoids. However, you must take these hormones as supplements if your body is deficient because of your daily routine.

There are numerous Melatonin and CBD products in the market. However, you should always choose a vegan or sustainable product like Sleep Upgrade by Noocube.