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Does Avocado mattress have fiberglass?

Though it can be common in many cheaper versions, fiberglass in a mattress is not the best option if health is a concern. Many debates are going on as to whether the use of it is safe enough, even though scientifically, it has not been proven to be carcinogenic or hazardous.

Mattress producers use fiberglass as a flame retardant as it is a less expensive option to go for while still fulfilling the criteria for production. However, constant contact with it can eventually produce skin, eye, and nose irritations that no one will welcome. Therefore, it is better not to have a fiberglass mattress, no matter how tempting their prices may look.

Our favorite fiberglass-free mattress for 2023 (#1 rated)

Is Avocado Mattress Fiberglass-Free?

No, Avocado mattresses don’t use fiberglass to make their beds flame-resistant. Ensuring high quality and following strict safety standards, they take pride in producing safe and organic ones (check the best selling organic mattresses). In addition, they have devised other ways to keep their foams fire-repellent so you can sleep worry-free.

Are Avocado Mattresses Fiberglass Free

It is advisable to ensure that the mattress you bring home is free from fiberglass and safe to use. A genuine mattress of this kind is the Saatva mattress, which is sure to impress you with its quality (check the top rated mattresses).

What Are Avocado Eco Mattresses Made of?

Avocado is an eminent name in the industry that makes safe and durable foams that provide excellent sleep and care for their customers’ well-being (check the most comfy mattresses).

Rated as America’s number one organic mattress, the brand uses raw materials that are pure, hand-woven, and free from chemical treatments. This affordable certified organic mattress is made of GOTS-certified organic wool, Gols-certified organic latex, and GOTS-certified organic cotton (check the best selling organic cotton mattresses), along with pocketed coils, making the best supportive and sturdy bed. Distributed in five layers, it offers the best body support and pressure relief system, which is undoubtedly admirable.

The journey from its co-owned farm collectives to processing up until the final product meets all the terms of safety. No use of polyurethane or polyester foams. Everything is hand-tufted with no use of adhesives, making it a secure purchase.

Its mattresses deliver fine quality and promise to use the best and most premium organic materials.

Is There Fiberglass In Avocado Hybrid Eco Organic Mattress?

Many cheap options in the market are tempting due to their prices, but buyers need to realize that they may contain fiberglass, which is beneficial in the long run.

The good thing about this brand is that it is free of fiberglass (check the best selling fiberglass-free mattresses). As a result, avocado achieves all of its milestones without compromising quality or its customers’ benefits, but rather safely and toxin-free.

It uses much healthier alternatives to gain the fire-retardant character and doesn’t employ cheap options or compromise comfort.

What Does Saatva Use as Fire Retardants?

Saatva produces good mattresses that work to provide the best sleep system to its customers in the safest way. Every bed, by standard, has to have chemical flame retardants to put off any fires or flames it may catch, making it more user-friendly. However, some of these retardants are silently ruining your health, and you never know. One such material is fiberglass, which is cost-effective, so most production companies opt for it, although there are more suitable ones. However, Saatva takes strict measures and uses only the naturally occurring health option.

Thus to fulfill the standards and keep it all safe, Saatva uses natural thistle barriers derived from wood pulp as the primary key. Being genuine, it will not cause health issues while keeping the mattress and its users safe.

Do Avocado Mattress Have Formaldehyde?

When it comes to the well-being and security of its customers, Avocado is quite stringent. They assert that they don’t utilize risky chemicals or toxic materials that could endanger the health of their users. The apparent response is NO when asked whether they use formaldehyde or not.

No Formaldehyde, PBDEs, or Ozone Depleters are present in any of its goods. All of their goods have undergone rigorous clinical testing, and they even meet all safety requirements. They even pass the sustainability durability and emission test for all of their foam mattresses, which are all CertiPur-US certified. All of their mattress offerings are thus devoid of any potentially harmful substances or toxins.

What Mattress Brands Have No Fiberglass?

Since Saatva Mattresses don’t employ toxic or dangerous materials or chemicals, so they do not include fiberglass. Instead, their entire line of mattresses uses organic ingredients approved and put through clinical testing by US environmental health and safety regulatory agencies.

What Mattress Brands do not contain Fiberglass

In addition, all mattresses use premium components, safe, non-toxic flame retardants, and plant-based fibers made from wood pulp and organic wool from New Zealand.

So, if you’re searching for a sleeping choice without fiberglass, we suggest Saatva mattresses. They are incredibly sturdy and, most significantly, can last for 15 years (check the top rated durable mattresses).

Avocado Eco Organic Mattress Reviews on Reddit

User 1:

After researching, I purchased both the plush topper and an Avocado Green king mattress. Since May 1st, we have been considering it.

Over a box spring, we previously had a firm latex mattress. As a result, I virtually never woke up without a painful back. No more morning backache ever since I started sleeping on the Avocado!

Do we suggest the Avocado? Definitely, yes. Both back and side sleepers should feel at ease (check the best selling mattresses for back sleepers). There was no off-gassing, odor, or, most significantly, fiberglass, and the quality was excellent. Furthermore, we enjoy assisting green businesses.

User 2:

I have so far loved my Avocado. I’ve been annoyed by the mattress industry’s “tricks” and the concealed fiberglass in many mattresses for a long time. My Avocado has only been in my possession for a week, but so far, so good. I am a woman of average height and age and did not want the added layer of latex. I like my mattress’ cool nighttime temperature and the inner springs. Customer service has also been outstanding. Many thanks, Avocado!

Key Takeaways

Fiberglass-Free Composition

Avocado mattresses stand out for not using fiberglass, a common but potentially irritating material used for flame resistance in many mattresses. This makes Avocado a safer choice for individuals concerned about the health implications associated with fiberglass.

Organic Material Usage

Avocado’s commitment to health and safety extends to its use of organic materials. The brand utilizes GOTS-certified organic wool, Gols-certified organic latex, and GOTS-certified organic cotton in the production of its mattresses. This ensures a chemical-free, comfortable, and durable mattress, emphasizing Avocado’s prioritization of organic and safe material utilization.

Formaldehyde Absence

Avocado ensures its mattresses are devoid of harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, PBDEs, or ozone depleters. This adherence to safety standards, showcased by their CertiPUR-US certification, reflects Avocado’s dedication to delivering products free from substances that could jeopardize user health.

High Customer Satisfaction

Customers appreciate Avocado mattresses for their comfort, absence of harmful chemicals, and eco-friendliness. The positive reviews on platforms like Reddit underscore the brand’s ability to provide a satisfying sleep experience while adhering to health and safety standards.


While there is no denying that fiberglass mattresses are less expensive, they pose health risks. However, your general health gets sacrificed due to their aid in preventing mattress fires. Consequently, Avocado ensures that all the mattresses they supply are free of fiberglass and even safe and healthy for a good night’s sleep.

Saatva mattresses are an excellent alternative to consider if you’re having trouble locating the best fiberglass-free sleeping option. Using high-quality natural and organic components, Saatva mattresses use fiberglass alternatives to keep them safe and fulfill the mattress’s safety standards. Moreover, they come with a 365-night trial period and are strong enough to last for almost 20 years.