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Benefits of drinking olive oil before bed, let’s dig deeper

Olive oil is a world-famous superfood. The benefits it has for your overall health are non to many. It is used in cooking, salad dressings, and body massages. But did you know you can drink it as well? Medical health professionals all around the globe recommend drinking small amounts of olive oil every day, especially before you go to bed. 

Let’s find out all that you need to know about olive oil and why to drink it at night. 

Why You Should Drink Olive Oil at Night

drink olive oil before bed

Olive oil is one of the main sources of oils in the Mediterranean diet. People are inquisitive about all that olive oil can offer. Science has proven that it has several health benefits, especially if you take it at night before bed. 

According to research, countries where olive oil is a staple have people with surprisingly lower heart diseases, hypertension, and strokes. 

Reach For The EVOO

What’s EVOO, you must be wondering. EVOO stands for extra virgin olive oil. When we talk about olive oil and its benefits, we refer to extra virgin olive oil. EVOO is produced with minimal processing and without any extra additives. It is made out of olives which are crushed and turned into pulp. 

Oil is then extracted through this pulp by the process of cold pressing. This cold processing keeps the polyphenols and other sensitive but super essential nutrients undamaged within the oil.

What you commonly get is regular olive oil. It is better than most other cooking oil options but is not as strong and concentrated as extra virgin olive oil. The one you get commonly only has a small percentage of olive oil mixed with other additives. 

Health Benefits Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Let’s have a look at all the health benefits extra virgin olive oil has to offer: 

Olive Oil Gets Your Healthy Fats Up

Most of us consume saturated fats, not healthy fats, which our body needs. Olive oil is one of the best plant-based sources of non-saturated fats. Consuming healthy fats reduces the risk of heart-related issues and cholesterol. A tablespoon of olive oil before sleep will fulfill your diet’s daily requirements for healthy fats. 

Olive Oil Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Olive oil claims to get those healthy fat ratios up in your body. Doing so gives you several health benefits. Researchers claim that countries that consume olive oil as an integral part of their diet have people with a significantly less percentage of heart issues. 

Just by consuming olive oil daily, you can reduce the risk of heart attack, cholesterol, and other issues related to your cardiovascular health. 

Olive Oil May Keep Cancer at Bay

Olive oil has rightly been called a superfood. Science tells us that people who have olive oil in their regular diet have a lower risk of cancer. Olive oil reduces the risk of cancers, specifically breast and colon cancer. Having it in your diet regularly can reduce skin cancer risk. 

The polyphenol in olive oil is a bioactive compound that stops cancer cells from metastasizing. It can even cause the process to take place in your body, which results in the death of cancer cells. 

Olive Oil May Prevent Constipation

Constipation is another major issue that most adults face in their later ages. It can be excruciating and disturbing to your daily routine. However, consuming one tablespoon of olive oil before you sleep can help you tackle constipation too.

drinking extra virgin olive oil before bed

Olive Oil Might Promote Weight Loss

Weight loss! Aren’t we all interested in that? Not all fats are bad for your health. Consuming fats can help you lose weight instead of gaining more. If you have extra fat on your body, start consuming a tablespoonful of olive oil every night. It will help you shed those extra pounds, followed by an active lifestyle.

It May Help You Sleep Better

Do you know eating larger meals before sleep is not recommended? But all of us are guilty of doing this. After a light meal, having a tablespoon or two of olive oil helps you feel fuller, letting you sleep in peace. 

Provides You with Powerful Antioxidants

Antioxidants are very important in your diet. They strengthen your immune system, make your skin healthy, and, most importantly, prevent deadly diseases from attacking your body. 

Antioxidants in olive oil make the oil better for the human body. This has a lot to do with olive oil’s harvesting and production process. 

Why Only Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Health Benefits?

All those who recommend olive oil suggest a daily intake of extra virgin olive oil. The process makes extra virgin olive oil with cold pressing. It is unrefined and kept from heat to ensure antioxidants stay intact. 

Besides this, extra virgin olive oil also has a lovely flavor that one can enjoy with almost anything they consume. Vegetables, legumes, meat, and even salads. You can go for whichever olive oil you think is best for you, but if all the miraculously extra health benefits are what you are looking for, then extra virgin olive oil is the best. 

Key Takeaways: Benefits Of Drinking Olive Oil Before Bed

Proven Health Benefits of Olive Oil

Olive oil, particularly extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), is associated with a range of health benefits. Consuming it nightly has shown to bolster cardiovascular health, with countries incorporating it as a staple witnessing fewer heart ailments, hypertension, and strokes.

Understanding EVOO

Extra Virgin Olive Oil, abbreviated as EVOO, stands out from regular olive oil due to its cold pressing production method. This ensures the preservation of sensitive and highly beneficial nutrients, like polyphenols, within the oil. It remains unadulterated, without any extra additives, offering a purer experience than most commercial olive oils.

Varied Health Advantages of Olive Oil

Olive oil consumption can raise levels of healthy fats in our body, crucial for maintaining heart health and lowering cholesterol. The presence of bioactive compounds like polyphenols in olive oil plays a pivotal role in preventing the spread of cancer cells. Furthermore, incorporating it into one’s nightly routine can potentially mitigate constipation and even promote weight loss.

Olive Oil as a Sleep Aid and Antioxidant Source

A spoonful of olive oil after dinner can help satiate one’s appetite, leading to a peaceful night’s sleep. Moreover, the rich antioxidants present in olive oil fortify the immune system and contribute to healthier skin, among other benefits.

Why EVOO Holds the Crown

When seeking the most health benefits, experts consistently recommend extra virgin olive oil. Thanks to its cold pressing process and avoidance of heat, it retains the majority of its antioxidants, offering not just health advantages but also a unique flavor that complements various dishes.


Olive oil is the best source of antioxidants one can get. It is truly a superfood with unlimited benefits for your health. It adds a lot of flavor and nutrition to your diet, keeping your body healthy and happy.

Drinking olive oil before bed FAQs

What happens if you drink olive oil every day?

If you drink olive oil every day, you will experience several positive changes in your body. It will help your body gain resistance against cardiovascular diseases and even cancer. It improves your skin and helps you with constipation and other stomach-related issues. 

How much olive oil should I take before bed?

A tablespoon or two of olive oil before you go to bed is more than enough to gain benefits. 

What is the best time to drink olive oil?

You can drink it on an empty stomach or before sleep. 

Can olive oil clog your arteries?

The kind of fat that ends up clogging your arteries is saturated fat. Olive oil has healthy fats in it, and they do not clog your arteries.Â