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How long after Botox can I sleep on my side?

Who wants to look old, especially when you are young at heart?

Cosmetic Botox reduces facial wrinkles and is seen as a silver lining by fashion icons and celebrities. This treatment softens the wrinkles and stops muscles from contracting by injecting a diluted amount of Botulinum toxin.

The biggest concern of people who take these injections is to know “in what position they should sleep.” Individuals who are side-sleepers especially press on this question. Experts say you should wait 4-6 hours before settling down after Botox surgery.

Moreover, spend 1 week lying on your back and then slowly start sleeping on your side.

Food and Drug Administration approved the cosmetic Botox in 2002, and since then, its customer bandwagon has been skyrocketing.

Sleep Flat on Your Back after Facial Botox Treatment

To get the best results out of your Botox treatment, you must follow the after-care instructions religiously. One of the questions individuals ask is: Do I need to sleep in a certain position after having Botox?

Ways to Sleep on Your Side after Botox

Lying flat on your back is the ideal position to sleep in after a facial Botox treatment. It has many benefits because sleeping in this position will stop the Botox from migrating into the other parts of your face.

In to the bargain, you should wait at least 4-6 hours before you lie down. Afterward, you can lie down but make sure you lay on your back for about 1 week before moving to your comfortable side spot.

The risk of Botox drifting is high if you lie down too soon after facial Botox treatment. No one wants to see their money and, on top of that, confidence going to vain. So, show a little patience to see good results.

Abstain from sleeping on your stomach or side. Sleeping on your back also minimizes the chances of friction between pillows and your face, which could lead to an infection.

Sleeping on your back can be difficult, especially when you are a side sleeper. To anchor yourself in this position, you will need the help of a lot of pillows (check the top rated pillows for back sleepers). Place pillows underneath each arm, right and left to your stomach, and under your knees.

Dr Jaimie DeRosa explores the potential risks linked with the “sleeping position” and advises patients to create an elevated position for their head while sleeping since it’s the safest option after having cosmetics Botox.

According to Healthline, Dr. Williams advocates the after-care guidelines and adds that patients should not bend their heads forward or indulge in heavy exercise immediately or until the next day after treatment.

However, in many cases, doctors suggest their patients wait at least 1 night before they resume sleeping sideways. This is to get the optimum outcome and lessen the minor side effects, such as inflammation and swelling, with this cosmetic treatment. Moreover, lying on your back is the best position to avoid any pressure on your face.

3 Ways to Sleep on Your Side after Botox

Botulinum toxin requires some time to settle down on the target muscles. It is thus great to wait 1 week after the treatment before you begin to sleep on your side.

For all the natural side sleepers, wait for 48 hours by most plastic surgeons before you commence the side sleeping ritual. Sleeping on the back can be a nightmare if you are a strict side sleeper.

We will devise three practical ways that you can follow while you resume sleeping on your side after Botox.

Recommence Sleeping on the side Gradually

Don’t shift to your original sleeping position abruptly; instead, make a gradual transition. This will help you make the most out of your treatment. After all, you want a firm and wrinkle-free face.

To do so, we have devised a framework for all the fashionistas who had or are considering getting Botox injections.

Use pillows to anchor yourself

Pillows, pillows, and more pillows. You will need to call all your home pillows to make an emergency landing in your bedroom for 24 hours. It is no piece of cake to forcefully sleep on your back, especially when you are a side sleeper.

Place the pillows around your shoulders and hips to hold them in position and stop yourself from rolling over when you sleep.

Use a neck pillow for balance

According to Dr. Darshan Shingala, maintaining a steady position of the neck is crucial to channel the force away from the Botox regions. You can use special cervical pillows to achieve a stable neck posture.

Monitor Swelling

Observe your face subsequent 48 to 72 hours of your Botox surgery, and if you don’t see any bruising or swelling, then resume your side-sleeping. Don’t forget to consult and take the agreement of your physician.

It is to consider that your face touches the bedding when you sleep on your side. Make sure your pillows are soft and clean. The blanket is breathable and fluffy since it directly interacts with your face.

Replace Pillows, Bedding, and Mattress

Without a doubt, getting Botox done is tiring, and you only want a rejuvenating night’s sleep. Restful sleep is essential to speed up the body’s vital processes. We suggest making an optimum sleeping sanctuary for you.

Let’s see how you can do that!

Use Side-Sleeper Pillow specially designed for this purpose

To improve the quality of your sleep after Botox treatment, we highly recommend you use special side-sleeper pillows. Side-sleeper pillows provide paramount support while side-sleeping.

Pillows for side-sleepers are medium-firm and come in different shapes such as crescent, U-curve, wedged shaped, etc. Make the best use of them.

Use a soft and comfortable pillow

Your face is in no position to tackle physical pressure, given its delicate condition after reconstructive surgery. To reduce this risk, you should use pillows that have a soft filling and get easily tuned to the curves of your face.

Down pillows are the softest and fluffiest (check 8 amazing fluffy pillows), but there are other good options, such as down feather, gel, and cotton.

Pick up Mattress for Side Sleepers

Side sleepers have unique sleeping preferences, requiring stable contours for their hips, shoulders, neck, and back. Mattresses play a vital role in fulfilling users sleeping requirements.

Memory foam mattresses are ideal for side sleepers because they offer extra support and relieve pressure. Additionally, hybrid and latex mattresses are great for side sleepers.

Use Bed Linens that are breathable and hypoallergenic

Your bed linens can convert your pain into relief before you get treatment. Look at your bed sheets, pillowcases, and comforter covers and check if they are clean, soft, and breathable.

Bed linens made of cotton, silk, and cotton tend to be super soft and ultra-comfortable (also check 6 great linen duvet covers).

Morning is the perfect time to get your Botox injected

The best time to get your Botox injected is early in the morning. If you got injected at 8 am, you would have plenty of time (about 12 hours for the Botox to get settled) afterward before you finally go to bed, as you know by now that you need to wait 4-6 hours before lying. This time is excellent to save yourself from any headaches.

Your skin becomes extremely sensitive post-surgery, and the chances of Botox migrating to the wrong places on your face increase. Thus putting unnecessary pressure on your face can make you trouble. Doctors suggest mornings as the perfect time for Botox.

Tips for Sleeping After Botox

We want your Botox surgery to overhaul your appearance, so you must follow the tips below for sleeping. Particularly if you are a natural side sleeper, these suggestions will help you a lot.

Tips for Sleeping After Botox

Sleep on Your Back

According to research, people who undergo Botox treatment should sleep on their back for at least 1 week. This sleeping posture helps to divert the physical pressure away from your anti-wrinkles injection sites.

It helps avoid any possibility of getting infections and bruising in the targeted areas. When you lie flat on your back, the chances of your face touching the pillows reduce. Lie down after 4-6 hours post-surgery.

Place Pillows around Your Body

Putting Pillows around your body will prevent turning over while sleeping. You can place pillows around your hips, under your knees, and on the sides of your shoulders. It depends on whether you prefer regular pillows or want to use wedge pillows for this purpose.

Use Silk Beddings

Silk beddings are highly breathable and hypoallergenic.

What was the reason you had Botox treatment? Of course, to make your skin wrinkle-free and look younger.

We endorse silk beddings to prolong the impact of treatment and naturally enhance your skin look. Compared to the usual cotton bedding, silk retains moisture and keeps the skin hydrated. Mulberry silk is investigated to contain secretin protein, which unclogs pores and helps in anti-aging.

Avoid Rubbing Cream on The Face

Remember, your skin needs time for healing. Put your skin-care regimen aside for some time. Rubbing creams on the face puts stress on the skin and may lead to the migration of Botox to different sites. At least wait 24 hours, and apply creams very gently on your face once you initiate.

Sleep On Clean Bedding

Before you make your appointment with the doctor, replace your bedding, like pillows, duvet covers, and bed sheets, with clean ones. Any dirt, bacteria, grime, or allergens present on the beddings may come in contact with your skin and cause contamination and infection.

Do change your bedding every week. Clean beddings are equal to healthy and glowing skin.

Avoid Hot Showers

Do you love taking hot showers before bed?

Stop if you just had Botox surgery. You must maintain a normal heart rate post-surgery, and since hot-showers increase blood pressure, we do not recommend them.

Avoid Headbands

I know many people have a habit of wearing headbands at night. They are not deemed suitable because the pressure from them can affect the results of treatments.

Wait for two nights, and the headbands are all yours.

Key Takeaways

1. Why Sleep Position Matters Post-Botox

After getting Botox injections, the orientation of sleep plays a pivotal role in:

  • Preventing Botox Migration: Sleeping on the side too soon can lead to the migration of the toxin to unintended areas.
  • Maximizing Treatment Benefits: Following post-procedure guidelines can enhance the desired outcomes and longevity of results.

2. Optimal Sleep Positions After Botox

Post-Botox, specific sleeping positions can be more beneficial than others:

  • Back-Sleeping: It’s advised to lie flat on the back for at least a week post-procedure. This reduces the risk of toxin migration and possible complications.
  • Avoid Side or Stomach Sleeping: Direct pressure on the face, especially soon after the treatment, can interfere with the settling of the toxin.

3. Tips to Enhance Post-Botox Sleep

Here are some useful suggestions for those who’ve had Botox:

  • Pillow Arrangement: Surrounding yourself with pillows can prevent involuntary turning during sleep. This is particularly useful for natural side-sleepers.
  • Silk Beddings: Silk beddings are breathable, hypoallergenic, and gentle on the skin, making them an excellent choice post-Botox.
  • Avoid Hot Showers: High temperatures can increase blood pressure, which isn’t recommended shortly after a Botox procedure.
  • Use Clean Bedding: Cleanliness minimizes the risk of infections, ensuring the skin remains pristine post-treatment.

4. Additional Post-Botox Care Recommendations

For those who’ve undergone Botox treatment, there are some crucial dos and don’ts:

  • Avoid Face Creams Immediately: Refrain from applying creams or engaging in facials for at least 24 hours post-Botox.
  • No Headbands: Pressure from headbands can affect the results, so it’s advisable to avoid them for the first couple of nights.
  • Consultation: Always prioritize the advice of your physician. While general guidelines can provide direction, personalized advice based on individual cases is invaluable.


The tips and ways described in this article are backed by authentic research, but your surgeon’s advice holds the top position. Before making any changes in your routine, consult your physician beforehand.

Dress up. You are only a step away from a beautiful you!


Sleeping on your side after Botox FAQs

What Happens If You Sleep on Your Side Soon After Botox

If you instantly start to sleep on your side after Botox, it can cause the Botox toxin to migrate to areas other than the specified ones. The target is to ensure that the toxin remains where it's supposed to be. To achieve this goal, it is recommended to sleep on your back for at least 1 week.

What to Do If You Lie Down After Botox

Make sure to wait 4-6 hours before you lie down because lying down immediately after Botox can lead to complications. However, if you have accidentally made this mistake, consult your doctor.

How Long Do I Have To Sleep on My Back After Botox?

As per authentic sources, you need to sleep on your back for 1 week after Botox. However, there are still many doctors that think 24 hours is enough to wait to resume side sleeping.

How Long After Botox Can You Wash Your Face?

According to Dr. Rekha Tailor, you can gently wash your face after Botox surgery. As for massages, putting creams, and facials, wait for 7 days.