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Feng Shui bedroom colors, what are the best soothing choices?

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese word that translates into wind and water. Interestingly, feng shui comes from a classic Chinese poem about how human life connects with its environment. It is a practice that involves creating balance in your living spaces so that it harmonizes with the natural world.

Keeping this in mind, what would be a better place to start with than your bedroom? Keep on reading to find out more about Feng shu-ing your bedroom!

How To Pick the Best Bedroom Colors for Good Feng Shui

Bedroom feng shui plays a huge role in your material wealth, overall quality of life, and the richness of relationships with your friends, family, partners, co-workers, etc. A good night of sleep can help you tackle whatever life throws at you.

soothing bedroom colors feng shui

One of the ways that you can maintain feng shui in your bedroom is by choosing the right kind of colors. Humans generally are visual learners, and the kind of colors that are around us give us different vibes and clues.

They affect how we feel about specific spaces and how certain spaces make us feel about people around us. Color plays a huge role in making or breaking spaces. The bedroom is one of the most critical areas of your house, and you should pay close attention to the colors you choose for it.

Different colors mean different things that connect to certain Baguas in feng shui. You will find that most people recommend using calming tones so that you can create a welcoming and warm atmosphere in your bedroom.

Choosing the right kind of colors is heavily dependent on how you are as a person and what kind of energies you wish to bring into your life. To choose the right colors, you can start by thinking about the colors you like and feel instinctually drawn towards. These will differ based on your experiences and how you associate different colors with different energies, feelings, and memories.

Whatever colors come to your mind are usually what you are naturally drawn to, and you should consider those. After this, you need to think about what kind of vibes and energies you want in your life.

Ways To Bring Color into Your Bedroom

Once you have decided on your likes and what you intend on bringing into your life. You can next move on and think about the different ways you can add these colors to your bedroom. The color of your room walls is the first thing you should consider. Painting your bedroom walls is a great way to add all that color to your bedroom.

Besides this, you can bring in colors by accessorizing your bedroom and adorning it with the right kind of décor. You can use flowers, get bedspreads, add vases, cushions, and much more. All these things can add color to the bedroom, so sticking to just painting your walls is not the only option.

You can follow the following color guide and decide the colors you want in your bedroom:

Inspire Optimism with Yellow

Yellow is a very positive color in Feng shui. Therefore, it is great if you use it in your bedrooms. Yellow is a color that manifests health, spiritual well-being, and calmness. Hues of yellow instill calmness in your bedroom spaces and promote optimism and level-headedness. It symbolizes nourishment and brightens your space while adding a lot of optimistic energy.

Keep Calm with A Tranquil Blue

Shades of blue connect to the elements of earth and water. In the Bagua direction, they are linked to being northeast or north and are highly recommended for use in your bedrooms. Blue symbolizes tranquility, prosperity, and knowledge. It is a great color to harness the energies of earth and water to bring positive changes in one, self-leading towards self-discovery and ultimately tranquility.

Evoke The Beauty of Nature with Green

You might think that green connects with the element of earth. But surprisingly, it is the element of wood, and its Bagua directions are east and center of your room. It symbolizes nature, beauty, and fresh starts. The colors green are deeply in tune with nature. However, they represent growth, beauty, purity, and freshness.

Introduce Subtle Sensuality with Pink

The pink color links with the element of earth, and the Bagua directions indicate that it should be on the southwest side of your room. Your bedroom can be an excellent choice for placing this color and welcoming all the romance and sensuality into your lives. This color of love and romance symbolizes everything related to it.

Instill Purity with A Pure White Space

Surprisingly, the element that connects to the color white is metal, and the Bagua direction situates it on the west side of your bedroom. The color white is a solid color that brings purity, wholeness, and openness into your lives. It gives a lot more space and welcomes creativity into your life.

This color is great not only for your bedrooms but can do good in almost all rooms of your house. Its timeless color keeps positive and pure energy flowing throughout your room, you, and your loved ones.

Decorate With Sophisticated Neutrals

Neutral, warm, and earthy tones directly link to earth and wood elements. With the Baguadirections, locate these colors at the east and center of your bedroom. Neutrals are great in your bedroom and work well in your living rooms, kitchen, and offices. Not only do neutral shades add sophistication to your bedroom, but they bring the warm natural energy of having strong roots, nurturing, and well-groundedness.

Conjure Up Self-Reliance With Gray

Grey is another color linked with the element of metal, and the Bagua directions place it on the west or northwest side of your room. It is another color that represents calmness and brings a lot of travel opportunities your way making you self-reliant along the way. There is a lot that you can do with this seemingly simple color. Shades of grey can be used as both accents and main colors in your room to welcome positivity, self-dependency, and travel opportunities into your room.

Dispel Negative Energy with Purple

Purple is a color that links to the elements of wood and fire. The Bagua directions suggest that shades of purple be situated at the south and southeast of your bedroom. Shades of purple strongly relate to prosperity and wealth.

They welcome good vibes in your life by dispelling negative energy around you and making pace for wealth, warmth, and prosperity. It associates with the spiritual realm and is known to keep you in touch with your truer self. This is a high-frequency color, so it is always better to use it only to accentuate your room.

What Is the Lucky Color for A Bedroom?

What makes you feel lucky will be entirely different than what can make someone else feel lucky. All these circles back to the two main things to think about while deciding on colors for your bedrooms- what attracts you in your life. So, if you want to get lucky in the romance and love department, hues of pink will do the job for you.

Similarly, if you miss out on traveling, gaining new experiences, and self-discovery, you might want to use those shades of grey in your room. So, make the right choices depending on your intentions. The right colors will make you feel lucky soon enough.

best color for bedroom feng shui

Bedroom Colors and Feng Shui Design Principles

If you start having marital problems or issues with your partners and you often wonder what is causing all that, you should know that it could just be bad chi in your bedroom. Some things are not in your control, but there are a whole lot of things that you can control in the bedroom.

The orientation of your room, how clean and well kept the bedroom is, the colors, the space, and most importantly, the orientation of your bed are design factors that can bring you good or bad chi in the bedroom.

Visualize your bedroom, and figure out the space of your bedroom. The best and most auspicious shapes are squares or rectangles. If the shape of the bedroom is irregular, like missing corners, pay attention to them and enhance them with auspicious symbols.

If you have a bathroom with a door, consider it a separate room. Feng shui does not like irregular shapes like an L shape or a place with missing corners, even curved walls. The goal is to create perfect little rectangles or squares and always have a partition and a door to close off the entry to the bathroom.

You always want a physical separator, so the negative energy from the bathroom does not enter your bedroom. Good Feng Shui is all about balance, harmony, and asymmetry. They are essentially the same principles that guide some great interior design ideas.

Key Takeaways – Feng Shui Bedroom Colors: Unlocking the Secrets of Soothing Choices

The Essence of Feng Shui and Its Connection to Bedroom Colors

Feng shui, an ancient Chinese practice, translates as “wind and water” and stems from Chinese poetry, symbolizing the intimate connection between human life and its environment. This philosophy emphasizes harmony in living spaces, with the bedroom being a primary focal point. The colors within these spaces play a pivotal role in balancing energies, impacting aspects like wealth, relationships, and overall life quality.

Significance of Colors in Feng Shui

Colors hold profound meaning in Feng shui. They resonate with our feelings, perceptions, and energies, greatly influencing our behavior and emotions. Especially in a bedroom, colors can make or break the ambiance. Associating colors with different Baguas or energies, most Feng shui practitioners lean towards calming hues to foster warmth and comfort.

Choosing Feng Shui Colors Tailored to Personal Energies

While Feng shui offers guidance on colors, personal preferences remain integral. The right colors for an individual are those they feel instinctively drawn to, rooted in personal experiences, associations, and desires. Reflecting on personal color affinities and the energies one seeks can pave the way to optimal Feng shui color choices for the bedroom.

Integrating Color into Bedroom Spaces

Once color preferences align with desired energies, various avenues open up for integrating them into the bedroom. While wall paint stands out as an obvious choice, decor elements like bedspreads, vases, cushions, and flowers also serve as potent color mediums, enriching the Feng shui ambiance.

Unlocking the Potential of Feng Shui Colors

Each color in Feng shui carries specific energies:

Yellow promotes health, spiritual wellness, and serenity. Blue, resonating with earth and water elements, symbolizes tranquility and prosperity. Green aligns with the wood element, representing nature and new beginnings. Pink, a hue of romance, aligns with earthy elements. White, associated with metal, signifies purity and creativity, while neutrals exude groundedness. Grey, another metal-associated color, encourages self-reliance and exploration. Lastly, purple, linked to wood and fire, wards off negativity and ushers in prosperity.

Identifying the “Lucky” Bedroom Color

The concept of a “lucky” color in Feng shui hinges on personal goals and desires. For instance, hues of pink foster romantic vibes, while shades of grey might attract travel opportunities.

Feng Shui Design Principles and Bedroom Colors

While colors profoundly impact bedroom energies, other Feng shui design principles, like room orientation, cleanliness, and bed positioning, equally contribute to the room’s chi. Ideally, bedrooms should have regular shapes, such as squares or rectangles. Any irregularities, like missing corners or L-shapes, require balancing with auspicious symbols. Feng shui also emphasizes the separation of bedrooms and bathrooms, maintaining positive energy flows. Ultimately, the goal is balance, harmony, and symmetry, mirroring core interior design tenets.


Colors and design principles are integral in feng shui, and it is important to understand them. Decide consciously on the kind of things and energies you want to invite into your life and choose your bedroom colors carefully according to them.

Feng Shui bedroom colors FAQs

What Color Should Not Be Used In A Bedroom?

Bold, powerful, high-frequency colors should not be used often in the bedrooms. Colors like purple and red will bring good to your life but only if used as accents and nothing more.

Which Color Gives Positive Energy In The Bedroom?

Warm and open colors like green, pink, and white can bring positive energy into your life.

Why The Bedroom Colors Are Important

Bedroom colors are important because each color has symbols and brings different kinds of energies and vibes into your life. So, you should actively choose the kind of colors you add to your bedroom to bring good chi and maintain feng shui in your bedroom.