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How to dry a mattress? Find out the best ways to take care of a bed after bedwetting

Spills and accidents frequently occur, especially when you have kids and pets in your house (also check 10 amazing mattresses for kids). Now, drying a mattress might seem like a pretty tough task due to all the layers involved.

But drying a mattress is important because all the moisture in your mattress damages it in the long run.

In this guide, we will list down some easy yet necessary steps to deal with the wet portion of a mattress, and you will notice that it is not that difficult at all. And keeping it dry will significantly increase its overall lifespan.

How to Dry a Wet Mattress – Step by Step Drying Process

If your mattress hasn’t been submerged entirely in a fluid, you can deal with the water damage on your own by following these steps.

Absorbing water from the surface of the mattress

how to dry a mattress after bedwetting

First of all, absorb the fluid from the surface of the mattress. You can use dry towels for this purpose. Dab the towels on your mattress and Keep replacing the damp towels with dry ones to speed up the process.

Removing leftover moisture

After using the towels to soak the water up from your mattress surface, it’s time to move ahead. The next step is to get rid of any excess moisture inside your mattress.

You can do so with the help of a shop vacuum designed to suck fluids up. You can always rent such a vacuum from any of those local home improvement outlets.

Before you start the vacuum, sprinkle baking soda on the inside of your mattress and scrub the area using any dry sponge. It will not only absorb the moisture but prevent mildew and mold from developing inside the mattress that can cause all sorts of bacteria and allergens.

Make sure to let the baking soda sit for a little while and then vacuum it. Use the same wet-dry that you have used earlier. If your mattress is exposed to a lot of fluid, you can use cat litter. And it will soak up that extra moisture pretty fast.

You can sprinkle this litter all over the damp area. And make sure to press the litter into your mattress so it can absorb as much moisture as possible. After that, you will only have to vacuum up the litter.

Preventing mold on the mattress

Mold might still develop even if you are instantaneous with your baking soda, kitty litter, or shop vac. And once that starts developing, all your efforts will go in vain. So, you will have to get rid of your mattress for safety.

You can develop a cleaning solution to prevent mold from growing inside your mattress. This solution should contain a cup of water and an equal amount of rubbing alcohol.

Get a clean piece of cloth and dip it into this mix. Wring it out and start wiping the whole surface of your mattress. Let the rubbing alcohol do its job to prevent mold and allow it to dry entirely on its own.

Dry small spots with a hairdryer

You can use your hairdryer if there are any small spots of moisture left on your mattress. Your hairdryer can be highly effective in dealing with those small wet spots. It is a very effective way to spot-dry your mattress.

It can quickly dry out the wet areas as it does to your hair when they are wet. Just make sure that you don’t keep your hair dryer too close to the mattress surface for too long, or it will start causing burns.

Use a wet/dry vacuum to soak up excess liquid

If you notice that there is still some moisture left lurking on your mattress, you can use your shop vac for that. Shop vacs are designed to soak up fluids, which will come in handy to deal with any excess moisture left on your mattress.

And again, you can use kitty litter for this purpose and try to press it into the mattress. Kitty litter is designed to absorb moisture; you can vacuum it out pretty conveniently. If the humidity is a bit more than you think, you can use baking soda for the same purpose.

how to dry a mattress fast

Dry a soaked mattress in direct sunlight, if possible

You can always use sunlight to dry out the mattress entirely. If possible, you need to take out your mattress in the open air and place it under the sun.

Let it be there for a couple of hours and keep a check on it. Then, when you notice it has dried, take it back inside and place it on your bed. Sunlight is pretty effective in dealing with these small amounts of moisture.

What if you notice some moisture left after you have taken it inside? You can repeat the above steps or take the mattress out the next day.

Plenty of air circulation if drying indoors

If removing your mattress is not an option, you can air dry it indoors. Of course, you will need plenty of air circulation for this. So, open up those windows and doors in your room and turn the fan on.

Keep in mind that air drying your mattress indoors will take much longer. So, it is better to go through the above-stated steps to speed the process up.

Expect to wait a few hours

When air drying your mattress, you have to make sure you wait for a few hours. The process is much longer if you are drying indoors.

If you place it under the sunlight, you will have to wait for at least 12 to 24 hours, depending upon how much fluid that mattress is exposed to.

Of course, if you want to proceed faster, you can use the above-mentioned techniques, including baking soda, kitty litter, rubbing alcohol, and a shop vac.

How to Dry a Soaking Wet Mattress?

You must use a combination of the above-mentioned techniques to dry a soaking wet mattress. You will have to begin by placing the mattress outside in the sun. Air drying a soaking wet mattress indoors is just not going to work.

Let your mattress be in the sun for at least 48 hours, and keep an eye on it for its moisture content. You can extend the time depending on how much your mattress is exposed to moisture.

After that, you can use kitty litter and baking soda to absorb any additional moisture trapped inside the mattress. Finally, use a hairdryer and shop vac as much as you can to suck up as much moisture as possible.

We highly recommend that you hire professional services for your mattress evaluation. Too much water damage can ruin your mattress, and you might have to go for a replacement because that is your last resort.

How to Dry a Mattress After Bedwetting?

If you have kids or pets in your home, you will be familiar with bedwetting. Urine is 95 percent water, but the remaining 5 percent is urea, a waste developed in your liver.

Due to this, urine has a pungent smell and gets that yellow color. Here are some steps you need to follow for spot cleaning after bedwetting.

  • Begin by blotting the urine spot with the help of a dry towel. Press it down repeatedly and soak up the urine. Keep in mind to blot and not wipe. Wiping will only make the urine go deeper into your mattress. This way, cleaning will become much tougher. You can get the moisture out using a shop vac right away.
  • You can also make a picture of warm water and white vinegar in a 50/50 portion. Apply this mixture to the mattress and then blot it using a towel. Repeat the process multiple times. Vinegar also has a strong smell, so you can open a window or two in your room to keep things normal.
  • After cleaning the spot, sprinkle some baking soda and leave it overnight. You can leave it even longer if you want. After that, you will only have to vacuum the baking soda the next day, and it will eliminate the urine smell. If you still smell the urine, you can repeat the entire process.

How to Dry a Mattress Fast?

You will have to use a clean piece of cloth with absorbing properties. So, a towel will work the best. Next, you must apply as much pressure on your mattress as possible. After that, you can use your hairdryer and set it to its highest power.

Hold it about a few inches away from the mattress and use it for about 15 to 20 minutes. Let the area cool down before you determine when it’s dry or not. After about half an hour, you can repeat this process.

You can sprinkle some kitty litter, which has high absorbing properties. Press it into your mattress, wait for about a couple of hours, and then vacuum the litter using a shop vac. Baking soda is another option you can use to get rid of any unwanted smells from your mattress.

How Long Does it Take for a Mattress to Dry?

If you are following the techniques mentioned above, your mattress will take about 6 to 8 hours to dry. But it can take much longer if you try to dry your mattress indoors using fans.

And the longer it takes to dry, the greater the risk of bacteria and mold development. So, you need to take quick actions to save your mattress or be ready to replace it for good.

Key Takeaways: How To Dry A Mattress – Essential Steps and Tips

Understanding the Importance of Drying a Mattress

Moisture trapped in a mattress can lead to long-term damage. Keeping a mattress dry prolongs its lifespan and ensures a healthier sleeping environment, especially after incidents like bedwetting.

Steps for Drying a Wet Mattress

For mattresses not entirely soaked, the drying process can be handled at home. Start by using dry towels to absorb as much liquid as possible from the surface. Shop vacuums can be used to remove any internal moisture. Additionally, baking soda acts as a moisture absorber and helps prevent mold and bacteria growth.

Preventing Mold Development

Despite thorough drying, mold can still form. To counteract this, create a mixture of equal parts water and rubbing alcohol and wipe down the mattress. This step is crucial to ensure a mattress remains safe for use.

Alternative Drying Techniques

For smaller wet spots, a hairdryer can be effective. If moisture persists, repeat applications of baking soda or kitty litter can be used. In cases of heavy moisture exposure, drying the mattress under direct sunlight can be highly beneficial.

Air Drying a Mattress Indoors

If taking the mattress outside isn’t feasible, indoor air drying is an option. Ensure good air circulation by opening windows and using fans. However, this method generally takes longer, so other drying steps should be taken to expedite the process.

Handling a Completely Soaked Mattress

For mattresses heavily soaked, a combination of techniques is recommended. This includes sun drying, using absorbent materials like kitty litter and baking soda, and vacuuming. In extreme cases, professional services may be needed for evaluation.

Addressing Bedwetting Incidents

For urine-related incidents, start by blotting the area with a dry towel. Using a mixture of warm water and white vinegar can help in cleaning. Applying baking soda overnight will aid in odor removal.

Expected Drying Duration

When following the outlined techniques, the average drying time ranges from 6 to 8 hours. Prolonged drying can risk bacterial and mold growth, hence quick action is essential.


Drying your mattress can be a pretty hectic task. In case you don’t do it fast enough, you might have to replace your mattress. And we all know that these mattresses don’t come cheap.

So, use the above-stated techniques to get rid of any moisture in your mattress and odd that as soon as you can. The longer the moisture stays in your mattress, the greater the damage will be, and the risk of mold development will significantly increase, making your mattress unearthly.

To dry a mattress FAQs

Is a mattress ruined if it gets wet?

Not if you don’t take fast action to get rid of the moisture your mattress is exposed to. You can use the above-mentioned techniques to eliminate the smell and the humidity. If you don’t do it fast enough, moisture will stay longer inside your mattress, and the longer it stays inside, the greater the damage will be.

How long a mattress takes to get completely dry?

You should wait for too long in your efforts to dry your mattress. Depending upon how much moisture it is exposed to, your mattress can take anywhere from 6 to 8 hours to fully dry out. And that is only if you take swift actions. Otherwise, moisture might stay trapped inside your mattress and make it unhealthy for you.

Will baking soda dry my mattress?

Baking soda has some drying properties and can soak up moisture content. But it is far more effective in killing any pungent odors. You should use a shop vac, towels, and kitty litter for effective soaking. Rubbing alcohol can also be effective.