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Ashley furniture mattress fiberglass, how to know the materials used?

As we all know, we have something in our homes, i.e. pillows or mattresses made up of fiber glasses. These are probably because you weren’t aware of whether they were good or bad for your business, and you bought them eventually.

Well, it’s essential to know that fiberglass exposure harm you. Although any science doesn’t back this up, it’s very famous amongst users that they start feeling skin irritation, eye rashes, and other infections. To keep yourself and your home safe, it’s best to avoid such stuff with fiberglass.

Our favorite fiberglass-free mattress for 2023 (#1 rated)

Is Ashley Furniture Mattress Fiberglass Free?

Yes, Ashley Furniture’s memory foam mattresses have fiberglass in them, and they claim it openly that it should not be surprising to see fiberglass used as per the affordable mattress rates.

Are Ashley Furniture Mattresses contain Fiberglass

However, to choose an equally comfortable mattress that doesn’t have fiberglass, try out the Saatva mattress. It’s good for your health as it primarily doesn’t have any toxic chemicals.

Why Is The Saatva Mattress Better Than The Ashley Furniture Mattress as A Fiberglass-Free Mattress?

It’s super simple that each one of us prioritizes health over everything. In that case, the Saatva mattress is better than the Ashley mattress as Saatva is better for health. It promotes no toxic elements like Ashley does (using fiberglass).

So, a fiberglass-free mattress is better than a fiberglass mattress. We highly recommend the Saatva memory foam mattress, a no-brainer if you want to avoid infections. Moreover, the Saatva mattress is super comfortable and very luxurious to use on your bed (check the top rated luxury mattresses). You will see this only in high-end hotels where people head for luxury.

Is Ashley’s Furniture Mattress Non-Toxic?

You can’t say Ashley’s furniture mattress is non-toxic. Yes, it is comfortable and lets you sleep well all night. It keeps you cool all night, so hot sleepers shouldn’t feel sweaty (check the top rated cooling mattresses for hot sleepers).

However, it contains fiberglass, which is not good for your health. You might likely become infected if you continue sleeping on such a fiberglass mattress.

Is There Fiberglass In Ashley’s Furniture Mattress?

Yes, there is fiberglass in Ashley’s furniture mattress, and they have said it openly. They claim that this is the reason for their affordable prices. It works as a fire barrier or fire retardant.

As they have different mattresses and some don’t have fiberglass, it would be better to contact the company and ask for the details directly.

Why Do Ashley Manufacturers Use Fiberglass In The Production of Their Mattresses?

The main reason for using fiberglass in manufacturing is its inexpensiveness. It’s comparatively cheaper than other materials for insulation panels.

Further, fiberglass is durable and weather-resistant, letting it last longer if your mattress doesn’t wear out.

What Does Saatva Use as Fire Retardant Layers?

Saatva promotes natural elements and uses a natural fire-retardant, unlike other synthetic mattresses. Instead of fiberglass, it uses thistle pulp and organic wool as fire-retardant. This is appreciable to shift towards nature instead of synthetic chemicals.

Further, you will see organic cotton in the covers for the same purpose. Try out the Saatva mattress if you want to see how organic stuff feels and lets you sleep soundly (check the best selling organic mattresses).

How to Check If Ashley’s Furniture Mattress Has Fiberglass?

The first thing to judge on is the pricing. Don’t get attracted by low prices, chances are that those mattresses might be using fiberglass.

Secondly, you can scroll through their website and see if they have said somewhere about using fiberglass.

Finally, if you want to be very quick and see whether a mattress uses fiberglass, try speaking to the website customer support. They will guide you thoroughly about the mattress composition.

Can You Remove The Fiberglass from Ashley’s Mattress?

You can use a lint roller to remove fiberglass from the outer cover of a mattress or couch surface. However, you shouldn’t try to remove fiberglass yourself as it may worsen the dispersion. Ideally, you should hire professionals who can do it efficiently without ruining it.

Does Ashley’s Furniture Mattress Have Formaldehyde?

Ashley furniture mattresses are CertiPUR certified, so it’s unlikely they would have dangerous chemicals like formaldehyde. However, if it contains formaldehyde, ozone depletion, or any other environmentally risky element, you should strictly avoid it.

It’s important to know that CertiPur certification is done after clinically testing a mattress and deeply analyzing if it’s good enough to be used.

Which Brand Offers Non-Fiberglass Mattresses?

Saatva mattresses sold non-fiberglass fire retardant layer mattresses that are healthy and comfortable for almost everyone. These are handcrafted mattresses for luxury seekers on their customer requests.

How to Check If Ashley's Furniture Mattress Has Fiberglass?

As Saatva hybrid mattresses and several memory foam mattresses are made in the US, they are clinically tested to be good for you. It doesn’t contain any toxic or unhealthy chemicals.

Check These Customers’ Thoughts About Ashley on Reddit

User 1:

I am suffering from this mattress. I owned Ashley’s mattress for about 2 years. It was a fair deal with nice reviews. It was great until we decided to wash it after longer usage.

We washed loads of laundry, and guess what? Now I am wearing my jeans, but it’s full of fiberglass. I am in my 12 hours work shift and can’t figure out what to do. If you are considering a mattress, please ensure it does not contain fiberglass.

User 2:

I work out of town and come home on weekends. My parents upgraded their mattress and moved their old Ashley mattress to my room. I am mostly out of the home, so I had nothing to say. However, yesterday I was scrolling through Reddit for a cozy mattress to upgrade to. Instead, I found this deadly fiberglass thing.

To my amusement, I looked at that old coverless Ashley mattress in my room and checked it with the torch. The mattress cover was all covered up with fiberglass. I am feeling very helpless and vulnerable to it. What should I do? 

Key Takeaways

Fiberglass Presence in Ashley Mattresses

Ashley Furniture’s mattresses are known to contain fiberglass, which is used as a flame retardant. This is a common practice in the industry due to its cost-effectiveness, though it comes with health concerns. Fiberglass, when exposed to, can cause skin irritation, eye rashes, and other infections, despite there being no scientific backing regarding its harmfulness.

Identifying Fiberglass in Mattresses

To ascertain the presence of fiberglass in an Ashley mattress, one can look at the pricing, with lower prices often indicating the use of fiberglass. Additionally, checking the product descriptions on their website or contacting their customer support can provide definitive answers regarding material composition.

Formaldehyde Concerns and Certi-PUR Certification

While Ashley Furniture mattresses are Certi-PUR certified, implying a lack of harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, it’s essential to be cautious. This certification is a positive indicator of a mattress’s safety and environmental friendliness. Checking for such certifications can provide assurance against the presence of hazardous substances.

Checking and Removing Fiberglass

If an Ashley mattress is suspected to contain fiberglass, especially after washing the cover, professional help should be sought for its removal. Fiberglass can spread easily, and attempting to remove it without professional assistance can exacerbate the issue.

Consumer Experiences and Awareness

Consumer experiences, as shared on platforms like Reddit, highlight the importance of being informed about the materials used in mattresses. Unpleasant encounters with fiberglass in Ashley mattresses underscore the necessity of choosing fiberglass-free alternatives for a safer and more comfortable sleep environment.


We all mostly consider the price point while buying a mattress, but we shouldn’t be doing it. You might have concluded that these low-cost fiberglass mattresses will only benefit you once by saving a few bucks. However, it will cost your health if you look at it this way.

You should choose a healthy, luxurious, comfortable mattress like Saatva (check the top rated mattresses). It will let you sleep well and improve your sleep experience in the longer run. Keep in mind that you spend considerable time on your bed. Make sure it’s good for your health and comfort.