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What crystals should not be in your bedroom?

Keeping crystals can be highly beneficial. They have a wide range of properties that can help you thrive day after day.  But that doesn’t mean these powerful properties can’t backfire.

To keep benefiting from them in the best way possible, you must understand that you can’t use them incorrectly. Moreover, you should avoid keeping the wrong combination of these stones or putting them in the wrong place. You will have to deal with some negative effects as well.

And there is no worse place than to have these stones clashing with one another in your bedroom. This is the room where you relax, and your guard is down.

You are sharing this room with another person, which can result in some unwanted accidental mingles due to the clashing energies of these stones.

Here’s everything you need to know about which stones you should keep in your bedroom (check 8 amazing crystals for sleep) and which shouldn’t be there.

Where Should I Place My Crystals?

Where you should keep your crystals depends entirely upon the crystals that you have. It depends upon other people who live with you in your home.

what crystals should you not keep in your bedroom

When you cannot use your crystals, you should keep them in a quiet corner or box where they do not see much traffic. Moreover, you should keep them out of sunlight and protect them from temperature swings.

If you have to keep your crystals in your bedroom, you should place them on a shelf over your bed’s headboard.

But keep them at a distance from where you sleep unless you wear one of them while sleeping. It’s best to take the stone off and place it on your side table or under your pillow.

What Crystals Shouldn’t Be in Your Bedroom?

Crystals have a wide range of energies, and you should place them in a room with an intention. A bedroom is a place where you relax, and with all those energies around you can be a bit too much. So, you must be intentional with all these energies and let them into your space.

Some crystals are incredibly powerful and overwhelm the space with their energies. Therefore, they are too much to keep in your bedroom. Following are the stones that shouldn’t be in your bedroom, where you rest and relax.

Clear Quartz

It amplifies the effects of other crystals that are placed in its vicinity. Keeping it alone won’t be a problem, but if you keep it with a bunch of other crystals, it might make you feel that you are in a room where there is so much going on with all those stones, and clear quartz is amplifying their energies.


It’s a highly energizing crystal and can potentially boost your mood, whatever it is.


This stone will not help you wind down because it’s all about igniting enthusiasm.


Many people find this stone too energetic to have in a bedroom for quality sleep.


This stone helps improve communication with others and can help you deal with matters on your own. It means it won’t let you sleep calmly.

Red Jasper

This stone helps channel energy where required, making you feel more awake.


This stone is a bit too energizing for sleep as it boosts inspiration within you.


You might use this stone in your bedroom, but you shouldn’t have it if you want some rest. This stone boosts your blood circulation and arouses your senses more.


Amber is an excellent stone to boost your confidence and motivation.


These stones help you focus more but can halt your sleep as you focus too much on what you are doing.

What Combinations of Stones Shouldn’t I Keep in the Bedroom?

Some stones don’t work well in combinations, especially if you want a shut-eye in your bedroom. Here are the varieties that you should avoid in your bedroom:

  • Carnelian and Amethyst
  • Red Sapphire and Sky Lace Agate
  • Green Aventurine and Clear Quartz
  • Malachite and Clear Quartz
  • Carnelian and Blue Lace Agate
  • Red Jasper and Blue Lace Agate
  • Blue Lace Agate and Citrine

Top Worst Crystals for Sleep

Some crystals are too energetic for a restful night’s sleep. So, let’s look at some of the worst crystals for sleep.

Top Worst Crystals for Sleep


Cinnabar does look spectacular due to its bright red color that resembles quartz. It’s a stunning stone, but it’s also one of the deadliest on this list.

It tends to react with oxygen and can produce dimethyl mercury. As a result, it can cause damage to your nervous system. This stone is one of the most toxic, known as mercury sulfide.


It might be a pretty stone, but don’t be deceived. It is a radioactive stone and has rich green crystals that can produce radon gas. Therefore, it can cause lung cancer. The stunning green look of these stones makes it easy to identify that it’s radioactive.

Bumblebee Jasper

This stone has volcanic material, including anhydrite, arsenic, hematite, and sulfur, along with other materials. That yellow color is due to sulfur and arsenic, toxic substances. Therefore, you shouldn’t keep it in your bedroom.

Tiger’s Eye

This stone has asbestos in it. It might be highly energetic and active, but some people will find it difficult to sleep restfully when they keep wearing this stone throughout the day.


It is one of the most commonly treated stones, and it is usually orange in color, but it turns blue when exposed to light. And with this type of irradiation, it becomes slightly radioactive. And this is where it begins to pose some health risks.

Turquoise or Moldavite

This stone can be over stimulating; thus, not the right option for you to keep in your bedroom. You can use it throughout the day without any issue and if you want to wind down, keep the stone away from you.


This stone has incredible healing powers, but it is a bit contradictory not to place it in your bedroom.

People do report having some restlessness at night, and some have even reported nightmares and disturbing dreams. This stone has calming effects, but only when you use it for meditation.


These stones have their energies, and you should look to channel them in the right direction. If you don’t do it correctly, these stones will negatively influence your life and health.

You have to make sure you have placed a stone with proper intention. This helps direct the energy on that particular aspect. You have to be careful not to put these stones with one another.

It’s about focusing on what you want to achieve from these stones. But your bedroom is the place where you relax. Therefore, you shouldn’t have any of those stones that are energetic. The stones in your bedroom should have more calming and healing properties.

To get the best results, you must research what stones have different attributes and how to channel their energy to your benefit.

Crystals and bedroom FAQs

Where should I keep my crystals?

You need to be very mindful of where you should place your crystals. It is best to keep them around plants or windows. This way, they can absorb the natural healing energy.
You can put your crystals around the home but place them with an intention. Otherwise, you won't be able to harness their energies effectively.

What crystals can I use in my bedroom?

Crystals that don't have high energetic strengths or those that don't have clashing energies should be kept in your bedroom. Some of the best crystals in your bedroom are selenite, howlite, moonstone, rose quartz, and smoky quartz.

What crystals should not be placed together?

You need to ensure that you don't place clear quartz with any other powerful stone because it will amplify those powers even more. Apart from that, you shouldn't keep together red jasper and lace agate, tiger eye and smoky quartz, green aventurine and pure quartz, tiger's eye and amazonite, and a few other combinations.