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Stop Wasting Money! Learn How Long Mattress Toppers Really Last

It might be a tough pill to swallow, but how long mattress toppers last entirely depends upon their quality. So, high-quality mattress toppers always last.

If you are interested in buying a mattress topper, you might want to know how long it will stay. There are various factors at play here.

This guide will discuss all those factors and see what you need to consider before buying a durable mattress topper.

What’s a Mattress Topper?

If you are looking to buy a mattress topper for the first time, it’s a 2 to 4 inches thick layer of different materials. It can be latex (check 8 amazing latex mattress toppers), memory foam, or some other material, and you can add it to your mattress.

how long does a memory foam mattress topper last

The purpose here is to provide that additional layer of comfort (check the most comfy mattress toppers). That is especially the case if your current mattress is worn out and no longer comfortable to sleep on.

So, if you want to extract a few more years from the overall lifespan of your mattress, you can use a mattress topper. Of course, if you use a mattress topper with your new mattress, you will end up extending its overall lifespan.

Mattress Topper Longevity

The overall longevity of a mattress topper means its ability to provide you with that same level of comfort year after year. As a buyer, you expect long-lasting performance from your mattress topper, and don’t waste your money.

Most people looking to buy a mattress topper want to make their sleeping surface more comfortable. It’s no surprise that they want to make the most of their toppers, and that too for as long as possible.

Anyone looking for a mattress topper should consider their weight and the sleep position they prefer. Mattress toppers are available for side, back, and stomach sleepers (check 9 top rated mattress toppers for stomach sleeper).

Most people buy these mattress toppers to deal with their chronic pains. But how do you determine the overall lifespan of a mattress topper?

What Determines the Lifespan of a Mattress Topper?

In exact terms, it isn’t easy to find how long a mattress topper lasts. There are different types of these toppers; plus, many users tend to misuse these toppers and don’t take much care either. In these scenarios, mattress toppers don’t last for many years.

The average age of a mattress is around 8 to 10 years. So, a topper lasting anywhere from 3 to 5 years offers good value. You will have to replace your topper once throughout the lifespan of your mattress.

If your mattress topper has some guarantee from the manufacturers, this lifespan is pretty logical. With care and maintenance, you can further extend the overall lifespan of a mattress topper just like any other household item.

Benefits of Mattress Toppers

Here are five primary benefits that these mattress toppers have to offer;

Extra convenience

With the help of your mattress topper, your sleeping surface becomes much more comfortable and cozier for you, and that too, even if your mattress is old and out of shape.

Increase the lifespan of a mattress

As you can install a mattress topper right on top of your mattress, it will enable you to extend the life of your mattress because it will protect it from further wear and tear. There will be much less direct pressure on the mattress, and it won’t sag and go out of shape.

Bring the softness back into your mattress

If you have an old mattress that has lost its softness over time, you can bring in a soft mattress topper. You can use your mattress again as your sleep haven.

Make your bed cleaner and safer again

Regardless of how often you wash your bedsheets, they will still gather bed bugs, dust mites, and dead skin. That is something no one likes once you take those covers off.

So, to keep them out, you cause a mattress topper as you can remove and clean them much easier. Your sleep surface will remain much cleaner.

Keep yourself comfortable and warm

During those cold winter nights, these mattress toppers can come in handy and maintain a cozy sleep environment. Of course, the degree of warmth will entirely depend on your chosen materials.

Extending the Life of Your Mattress

You have to adhere to the following points if you want to extend your mattress’s lifespan and your mattress topper.

Don’t eat in your bed

Eating in your bed might sound pretty comfortable, but it is not recommended. Those bits of food fall and escape, and they nestle within the layers of the bed. Therefore, your bed becomes fertile ground for bacteria, germs, mold, and mildew.

Don’t allow puppies & kittens to sleep in your bed

You must ensure you don’t let your kittens or puppies on your bed. Letting your furballs snuggle in your bed during those cold winter nights might feel warm.

But the dark and porous layers of your topper and mattress become an ideal place for parasites and ringworms, and your pets are causing them. You surely don’t want that to happen to your bed.

Frequently flip/rotate

Be sure to flip and rotate your mattress as needed. You can follow the instructions with your mattress regarding when to flip them, and don’t ignore them. This way, you will be able to extend the overall lifespan of your mattress as well as your topper.

When Mattress Toppers Lose Their Shape & Support Over Time

There are a variety of factors that influence how a mattress topper is going to last over time. But just like mattresses wear and tear, so do mattress toppers.

how often should you replace mattress topper

These toppers are made of different types of materials. They can be latex, memory foam, or down. Of course, your sleep position will influence its longevity because when you sleep on it, your body puts pressure on the topper, which tends to vary with different sleep positions.

If you get up with pins in the morning, your mattress topper is worn out, and you need to replace it. Memory foam mattresses tend to last anywhere from 3 to 5 years. Latex tends to last slightly longer, but they are more expensive too.

Apart from that, the overall weight of the sleeper can make your mattress topper lose its shape if you use it frequently. The mattress topper’s thickness must be considered because it is directly released to the overall durability and lifespan of a mattress topper. Thicker mattress toppers tend to stay in shape for longer because they are more durable (check 8 amazing thick mattress toppers).

Last but not least is the current condition of your mattress. If you have a new mattress, your topper will perform extremely well. But if your mattress is out of shape, your mattress topper will have to make adjustments, and while doing that, it will also lose its shape if you use it every day.

Why Replace Your Mattress Toppers?

Mattress toppers have a useful life that is usually around 3 to 6 years, depending on a range of factors, as we have mentioned above.

But if you’re getting up with joint pains and backaches in your body after sleep, then that’s an indication you should immediately replace your mattress topper (check 10 best selling mattress toppers for back pain). You might have to consider whether your mattress needs to be replaced.

If you continue to sleep on this old mattress, there is a chance these pains won’t heal. You won’t be able to enjoy your sleep either. Instead of getting well-rested, you will feel much more tired.

How long do latex mattress toppers last compared to memory foam?

Latex mattress toppers tend to be more durable than memory foam toppers. High-quality latex can last 5-10 years, while memory foam loses structure after 3-5 years. Latex is naturally antimicrobial and resistant to dust mites.

Do I need to replace my mattress when I replace the topper?

Not necessarily. If your mattress is still supportive but just lacks comfort, a new topper can extend its life 2-3 more years. Replace both if the mattress sags, feels uneven, or you wake with aches and pains.

Tips to Care Mattress Topper

You must take care of your mattress topper to make it last for a long time to come. Though memory foam is tough to clean and maintain, some ways exist to extend its life.

For cleaning, you can vacuum it and spray it with detergent and water solutions. Spot cleaning is a much better solution, and it is better to do it once or twice a year, depending on your mattress topper.

But it will ensure your mattress topper lasts many more years. How frequently you use your mattress directly impacts its overall condition.

With regard to use, it will, of course, wear and tear even more. So, losing lessons often is not an option. Therefore, it is best to clean your mattress to make it last.


You must take care of your mattress toppers. If these mattress toppers see a lot of action, you need to take care of them even more.

Spot cleaning is the best option for you and makes sure that you don’t stay in your bed and don’t allow your pets on the bed, either.

Be sure your mattress provides you with rough support and comfort. If you get up with aches and pains in the morning, it’s time to go for a replacement.


How long do mattress toppers last FAQs

How can you tell if a mattress topper Is not good?

These mattress toppers lose shape over time and become much softer in different areas. You will also notice bad odors, which might contain a few stains. Therefore, it's time to go for a new mattress.

Do mattress toppers get softer over time?

Yes, with time, they got softer and were out with daily use. Your sleep potions and your body weight directly impact your mattress topper. Of course, the conditions of your mattress are underneath the mattress.

How often should mattress toppers be washed?

It entirely depends on how much you use your mattress topper. If you use it daily but don't eat food in your bed and don’t allow your pets on it, you might have to wash it only once or twice a year. You can follow the instructions that come with your mattress topper.

Can mattress toppers wear out?

Yes, mattress toppers do wear out with time. Most of them tend to last around 3 to 5 years, depending upon how much you look after them. Caring for and maintaining your mattress will make it perform well for a longer time.

How do you make a mattress topper fluffy again?

You need to shake your topper out frequently, spread it, and even plump up the fill. Doing so each week is easy to remember, and plump your topper by changing your linen.