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How to wake up a heavy sleeper?

Some people find it too difficult to wake up in the morning. If you are one of such people, this guide is for you. 

If you tend to sleep through numerous alarms and find it extremely difficult to get up all fresh in the morning, ready to take on whatever the day has in store for you, don’t worry. We can sort that out for you. 

Whether you are dealing with this problem yourself or have a teenager who finds it difficult to get up on the first alarm, we have some tips that will help you to get up and start your day as fresh as ever. So read on and make your morning more energetic. 

Possible Causes for Heavy Sleepers

Before we share some useful tips to work on your never-ending lull in the morning, you need to understand what can be the cause behind this over-snooze.

how to wake up a deep sleeper

In most cases, irregular sleep habits are the primary cause of this irregularity. So, here are some causes that can help you limit these irregularities for good. 

Not enough sleep

If you are not getting enough sleep, you will always find it difficult to get up in the morning. The primary cause is the description of your sleep cycles. 

Low motivation

Another cause of your sleep irregularities is that you are less driven throughout your day. When you spend your entire day less active, you will have trouble falling asleep. When you take time to fall asleep, you will have difficulty getting up. 

Erratic sleep schedule

If you don’t follow a proper sleep schedule, you will always have difficulty sleeping on time and getting up. Therefore, you must follow a strict schedule to sleep properly. 

Poor diet

Your diet can directly impact your sleep, and the time you take these diets is also crucial. Eating healthy is important and eating earlier in the day is more important. You should not take anything at least a couple of hours before bedtime. 

Lack of exercise

Lack of exercise signifies that you don’t have an active lifestyle. If you don’t actively spend your day, your night will be restless. Therefore, you need to spend your energy during the daytime so your body can’t effectively relax at night. Exercise also has numerous benefits on your overall health. 

Electronics in bed

One of the major causes that you fall asleep late is because you have too many electronics in your bedroom. Most of the bedrooms have TVs, laptops, and computers. 

People who work from home prefer to sit in their beds and do their work. This is wrong because your bedroom is for relaxation and not for work. 

This lifestyle makes it hard for you to sleep on time. Most people use their phones when they go to bed. It can negatively impact your sleep patterns. 

Poor mental health

Your overall mental health might be why you cannot sleep at night. Therefore, can’t get up on time in the morning. 

One of the reasons for this is overwork, poor diet, and no exercise. You need to maintain a healthy lifestyle that integrates everything in proper proportions. 

Too much stress and anxiety can cause depression and disrupt your sleep patterns. Therefore, you need to relax your mind and stop overthinking everything. 

Complications with medications

Another reason that can be the cause of sleep disruption is various complications resulting from medications. Some medications are more relaxing and keep you that way throughout the day. You need to get in touch with your doctor and discuss this matter for a better solution. 

Addictions (alcohol, pills, drugs, etc.)

Addiction to anything can also directly impact your sleep patterns. Addiction to drugs, pills, and alcohol is dangerous to health, and it can disturb your sleep cycles.

Sleep disorders

Maybe you have some sleep disorder. These sleep disorders are pretty common, and many people have to deal with certain conditions such as insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, and others (also check the amazing mattresses for sleep apnea). If you have any of these conditions, you must consult your physician as soon as possible. 

Tips for Heavy Sleepers on How to Wake Up

For all those deep sleepers who have been humbling their alarm clock for a long time, here are some important tips you can follow to wake up on time after a lull session.

how to wake someone up who is a heavy sleeper

If you struggle to get out of bed in the morning, we have already discussed a few causes of this phenomenon. Now, here are some points that you need to follow to sort out this issue;

Be sure to drink water before you go to bed

You might have heard that you should stop drinking water and eating food for at least a couple of hours before you go to bed. That is because you might have to go to the bathroom during the night.

But if you are a heavy sleeper, the urge to use the bathroom at night will enable you to wake up. The same is the case in the morning, as you must go to the restroom to ease the load. This way, you will not turn off your alarm because you are not getting into a sound sleep. 

We recommend you do this quickly and get back into the routine. Once you do that, you can resort to general advice and not consume anything before bed. 

It’s good to turn up those lights in your bedroom

If you find getting up in the morning difficult, you can always turn your bedroom lights up. Maybe someone can open the blinds up as well. Then, with a bright environment in your room, you will get up.

But if you are on your own, the good idea is to buy an alarm clock with a light bulb. It will help you wake up as it will turn on at least half an hour before the alarm rings. 

Bright light in your room will signal your brain that it’s time to get up. Your circadian rhythm will break, and your body will wake up to start the day. 

You can use a vibrating alarm clock

Another option you can consider here is a vibrating alarm clock. You can use a different tactic if you are not influenced by sound or light.

You won’t need to turn on your volume for this. Moreover, you can place it under your pillow, and as the alarm rings, the clock will start vibrating to disrupt your sleep. 

You can find pillow inserts and mats that vibrate. These options are useful for those who find hearing difficult and need a different way to wake up. 

Always use the alarm on your phone and turn on its vibration. Turn on the rhythmic flashlight alert, and your room will pop up with your alarm. 

Choose an automatic wake-up call to get up in the morning

These days smartphones come with various apps and features that can help you wake up in the morning. There are different gadgets you can use for the same purpose. 

You can use your Alexa to turn the light on in your bedroom. If you have an iPhone, you can always ask Siri to start playing your favorite song that can wake you up. 

Some coffee points are available on the market and can turn on according to a schedule you set. You can set your TV to turn on and play your favorite show. So, there are many ways to automate your wake-up call, and there’s no excuse left to stay in bed. 

Your phone addiction can come in handy here

There are various reasons why you don’t need to use your phone before you go to bed. The light from your screen sends signals to your brain and keeps it awake. 

Your phone is filled with all sorts of stimulation as endless entertainment is available on this device. They can be pretty terrible for your sleep, but you can use them for waking up. 

Various other ways can work for you, but this one will get you going in the morning. However, ensure that you get out of bed as soon as you open your eyes, or you will go back to sleep once your entertainment dose is finished. 

How about having a wake-up buddy with you

If you have someone who isn’t much more reliable and punctual than you when it comes to waking up in the morning, ask them to give you a wake-up call when the sun is out and shining. 

Your parents, spouses, kids, and even roommates can come in handy here. But if you don’t have anyone reliable around you, you can download an app on your phone that can give you wake-up calls. You can schedule these apps to call you when you are looking to wake up. 

Make sure to eat your breakfast daily

Be sure to have a breakfast routine. When you wake up on time in the morning, you can accomplish much more in the day. The best thing to kick-start your circadian rhythm is to have breakfast. 

Doing so will ensure your brain that it’s wake-up time, and you will be able to develop a better routine this way. Moreover, having breakfast early in the morning will train your body to be hungry at this time. You will automatically wake up in the mood to eat something. 

Sleeping on a grumbling stomach is pretty tough, and if you are looking for a way to get up as a heavy sleeper, this is the best way; that delicious morning breakfast aroma will wake you up and make you get out of bed as soon as you can. 

You must make your mornings more fun

Feeling energetic early in the morning is important. If your morning is about going through the boring routine of getting up and getting ready for work, it’s time to make these hours your happy hours. Busy brains can result in a deeper sleep. 

You can tune into your favorite show if you get up early. Eat your breakfast and drink some coffee. It is important to reward yourself with an incentive to wake up early. 

How about going to your favorite coffee shop in the morning if you have enough time? Make this time of the day more fun for yourself. Anything that you find more enjoyable will work here. 

You can get a pet

A pet will be a good idea if you don’t have one. They can be your wake-up alarms. They can relentlessly pester you so they can get their food in the morning. This will wake you up too. So, having a cat or dog is always a good idea.

How To Wake Up A Heavy Sleeper – Key Takeaways

Possible Causes for Heavy Sleepers

Understanding the causes of heavy sleeping is crucial. Factors such as irregular sleep habits, insufficient sleep, low motivation, erratic sleep schedules, poor diet, lack of exercise, excessive use of electronics in bed, poor mental health, complications with medications, and addictions can contribute to heavy sleeping.

Tips for Waking Up Heavy Sleepers

For those struggling to wake up heavy sleepers, there are several strategies to try:

  • Drink water before bed to encourage waking up when nature calls.
  • Increase bedroom lighting to signal your brain that it’s time to wake up.
  • Consider a vibrating alarm clock for those not responsive to sound or light.
  • Utilize smartphone apps and features, such as light alarms or music alarms.
  • Ask a reliable person or use wake-up call apps to get assistance in waking up.
  • Establish a breakfast routine to kick-start your circadian rhythm.
  • Make your mornings enjoyable by rewarding yourself with activities you love.
  • Consider getting a pet as a natural wake-up alarm.


Heavy sleeping is not a condition. Irregular sleep patterns and an unhealthy lifestyle cause it. If you are a heavy sleeper, try to wake yourself up by changing the light conditions in your room and using different types of wake-up calls. You need to adopt a healthier lifestyle to ensure that your circadian rhythms align properly with the time of the day. 


How to wake up a heavy sleeper FAQs

Can you wake someone up from a deep sleep?

You can wake someone up from a deep sleep. They will find it difficult to adjust right away. They will feel disoriented and groggy for several minutes once you have woken them up.

What do you do if someone won't wake up?

You can use music, natural light, or wake-up lights to open your eyes and get out of bed. You can also use some wake-up scents for this purpose. It's the right time to work on their sleep schedule and adjust their lifestyle.

What makes a person a heavy sleeper?

There can be a number of reasons. We have listed them above for your convenience. From lack of exercise and proper diet to an irregular sleep routine and various sleep conditions, there can be various reasons that a person becomes a heavy sleeper.

What is the most difficult stage of waking someone up?

There are four different sleep stages, and stages 3 and 4 are the most difficult to wake someone up. These are of deep sleep, and there will be no eye movement or muscle activity.

Is heavy sleeping a disorder?

Heavy sleeping is not a disorder. Your body is just trying to make immense from the sleep irregularities that you are causing for various reasons. But if you tend to sleep a lot during day time, you are dealing with hypersomnia, a disorder.

Do heavy sleepers need less sleep?

Heavy sleepers don't need less sleep. They are normal human beings and are not dealing with any disorder. They only have to adjust their daily routines and sleep schedules.