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How to sleep with a chemo port?

A chemo port is a small, typically round device placed under the chest’s skin. It provides direct access to the patient’s veins through a subcutaneous port. A chemo port will be used if a patient has difficulty administering chemotherapy intravenously. The port stays in place for the duration of chemotherapy treatment.

This article will cover the most significant issue cancer patients have to deal with when they get a port implanted – Sleep. How to sleep with a chemo port, and how to make sure it does not get damaged?

How Do Chemo Ports Affect Sleep?

There are a few ways that chemo ports can affect sleep. One is that the port can be uncomfortable, making it difficult to find a decent posture to sleep in. Additionally, the medications that treat cancer can cause certain side effects.

How Do Chemo Ports Affect Sleep

One of the most common issues is insomnia. All these factors can contribute to a person not getting enough rest, impacting their overall health and well-being.

Tips for Sleeping With a Chemo Port

If you or a loved one is undergoing chemotherapy, you may wonder how to best manage sleep with a chemo port. Or you may be looking for ways to feel comfortable after an implant! Here are a few suggestions to help make the process as smooth and comfortable as possible.

Change Sleep Position

When lying down, make sure the port is above your heart. This will help to prevent any complications or issues with the port. Moreover, look for a position that does not let you irritate by the port.

Sleeping on the side or your back is the most prominent position that feels appropriate (check the top rated mattresses for back sleepers). However, it is not good to sleep on your stomach as it will be painful and affect the port. Besides considering your comfort, we need to ensure the state of the port.

How soon after chemo port surgery can I sleep on my side?

Generally it’s best to avoid sleeping on the port side for at least a week after surgery. Check with your doctor, but light side sleeping may be possible after about 5 days. Take care not to put pressure on the port.

Wear Comfortable Clothing

After the chemo port implant, it is vital to wear comfortable clothing. According to the American Cancer Society, “Ports are mostly under the skin of the chest or arm.” It is essential to wear a shirt that is not too tight. Avoid wearing any irritable material or directly touching your skin. You may want to wear a jacket or sweater to keep the site well-protected and warm.

Consider a New Mattress

It may sound a little extravagant to buy a new mattress once you get a port implant. But as resourced from PubMed Central, “Easy-to-handle port systems are an essential part of clinical oncology practice.” If you’ve cancer, a port is practical to ease IV infusions, blood draws, and chemotherapy.

Getting a new mattress will drastically decrease the chances of acquiring infections because of the new cover. Your old mattress might carry any contagion or pollutant. You being under chemotherapy, are more susceptible to infections. Therefore considering a new bed is worth it (check the top rated mattresses).

Switch to More Supportive Pillows

Use extra pillows. You may want to use extra pillows to support your head, neck, and back (also check the best selling pillows for neck and shoulder pain). This will help to prevent any discomfort you may experience. You can opt for a pacemaker pillow, a small cushion that can easily slide into the bra step. Men can wear one and strap it onto their tank tops. It gently cushions the area while you are asleep.

Tips for Sleeping With a Chemo Port

Prop Your Body with Pillows

Any position or number of pillows that make you comfortable should be practiced. Place a pillow to raise your shoulder to ease any pricking pain because of the port. You may want to prop a pillow under your knees or legs for a better sleeping position. If you plan to sleep on your back, raising the legs a little will help.

What pillows help with chemo port discomfort?

Specialty chemo port pillows or wedges can help position the port comfortably. Soft, adjustable pillows between the knees or under the back and neck are also useful.

Wear Loose-Fitting Sleep Clothes

You do not want to irritate the port site. Wearing tight clothes, especially while sleeping, will never be desirable. Clean and loose-fitting garments will keep your body aired out and serene. These include avoiding caffeine-containing drinks at night. Reduce the use of electronics before going to bed. Establish a regular sleep schedule, even on the weekends.

OTC Pain Relievers

Sometimes when nothing else helps, then pain relievers are the last straw. But you must consult your Oncologist before getting any OTC pain meds. Since your body experiences drastic changes during and after a chemo session, you must know the pain meds and their doses best suit you.

According to the National Library of Medicine, many issues prevail after intensive chemotherapy. Some children even develop oral mucositis. So, you might need more than just pain meds, but it’s better to consult the doctor.

These tips will help make sleeping with a chemo port as easy and comfortable as possible.

How to Sleep on the Side of the Body

Sleeping on your side, with a chemo port, is one of the most appropriate sleeping positions (also check the top rated mattresses for side sleepers). This helps prevent uncomfortable pressure on the port and makes it easier to access for treatment. To side sleep with a chemo port, you can:

  • Use a smaller pillow as support under your head and neck.
  • Place a flat pillow in between your knees. This will keep your back relaxed and your spine aligned.
  • Use a small pillow or rolled towel under your chemo port to prevent pressure.
  • If you experience pain or discomfort, adjust your position or use additional pillows for support.

What to Do About Chemo Port Discomfort?

If you’re experiencing discomfort from your chemo port, there are some tricks you can do to ease the pain. First, try to keep the incision site clean and dry. You can use a hot pack or warm compress to the site to help reduce any inflammation. If the discomfort is severe, you may need to contact your doctor. They might be able to adjust the port’s position.

What Is A Chemo Port Pillow?

A chemo port pillow helps to keep the chemo port in the correct position and not become dislodged. A chemo port pillow is preferable while driving or sitting in the passenger seat. It would help if you braced yourself with the seatbelt, which might rub against the port site. To eliminate any abrasion or discomfort, a chemo port pillow is used.

What Is A Chemo Port Pillow

The soft chemo pillow acts as a cover for the belt. Hence there is no rubbing or pressure caused by the seat belt on the port area or around.

How Long Does It Take For Chemo Ports To Heal?

According to a prospective analysis, using implantable CVCs for treating haemoto-oncological patients is safe. However, the healing of it can differ between individuals. It vastly depends on the type of chemo port they have.

Generally, the incision can take a few days to a week to heal. Only after its complete healing will the port be fully functional. The port may be sore for a few days after the surgery, but this should subside with time. It is essential to follow your doctor’s instructions attentively. This will help take care of the port the right way. Always keep the incision clean and dry to avoid infection.

What Relieves Pain From Chemo Port?

There are a few strategies that you can apply to relieve pain from a chemo port, including:

  • Applying a warm compress to the area
  • Taking a pain reliever such as ibuprofen
  • Wearing a particular support garment
  • Doing relaxation or deep breathing exercises

If the pain is severe, you need to consult your doctor.


Chemotherapy and radiation are the most dreadful procedures. And on top of that, if you have a port implant, then the whole perspective changes. It is common to feel exhausted during cancer treatment.

The good news is that several strategies can help you live better. Moreover, you can live everyday life and sleep well even with a port. We hope this blog post has helped you find some new strategies that will aid in giving you a better night’s sleep. We appreciate the time taken to read. It is always exciting and encouraging when our posts can provide useful information.


Sleep with a chemo port FAQs

Is It Hard to Sleep With a Port?

It can be hard to sleep with a port, especially if it is in an uncomfortable position. For some people, sleeping on their non-port side is most comfortable. At the same time, others find that sleeping on their back puts less pressure on the port and remains raised.
There are special pillows to help people sleep with a dock, which can be helpful for some people. Generally, it is best to avoid sleeping on the port, but if it is unavoidable, there are ways to make it more comfortable.

Can You Dislodge a Chemo Port?

Though chemo port is difficult to dislodge in certain situations, it can be. If a patient meets with an accident, the stitches will likely get loose. The port is in place with stitches that heal over time but can tear off during trauma. Dislodging of the port is also possible if the patient is mishandled. A patient with a port implanted in his chest can do everyday tasks but must be a little cautious.

Why Does My Port Hurt So Much?

There are a few reasons why your port might be causing you pain. The port is usually placed in a vein in your chest; if the needle is placed incorrectly, it can cause pain.
Additionally, if the port is not properly secured, it can rub against your skin and cause pain. It can clog and cause pain if it is not flushed well. If you are experiencing pain from your port, you should contact your doctor for medical assistance.

What Are The Complications of Port Placement?

The possible risks of an implanted port can include certain complications. It can be an infection or bleeding from the incision. You may develop bruising at the surgical site; the port may move out of place. If this occurs, the patient should go for port removal.

Is a Chemo Port Major Surgery

No, a chemo port is not major surgery. It is a simple outpatient procedure, usually taking almost an hour to complete. The best side is the left one, but it may be implanted on the right side under certain conditions. It is then used to administer chemotherapy drugs.
The port has a small, round disk connected to a catheter. The catheter is then connected to the veins in the chest. This allows the chemotherapy drugs to deliver directly to the veins, which helps to reduce side effects.