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Why Does My Dog Scratch My Bed Sheets?

Does your dog scratch your bed sheets? The reasons behind this peculiar behavior can be multiple. Remember that they lived in the wild before becoming your domestic pet to understand this behavior.

While this behavior may seem harmless, it can be frustrating and disruptive to your sleep routine. Understanding why your dog engages in this behavior can help you address it and ensure your dog is comfortable and happy.

Let’s explore the reasons in shadow!

Why Do Dogs Dig on Beds and Couches?

You might have seen your dog digging in the yard or scratching your sheets. Dogs have the instinct to dig, a behavior they inherited from their wild ancestors. Dogs dig to create a comfortable sleeping spot or bury food in the wild.

why do dogs lick the bed sheets

However, when dogs dig into a bed or couch, it can be due to various reasons. We have listed some common reasons for this peculiar behavior of dogs.

Your Dog Might Be Feeling Hot or Cold

If you find your dog scratching your sheets, it can be that he is trying to regulate his body temperature. They find it uncomfortable to sleep on a too-warm or cold surface. He may be looking for the most desirable temperature in your bed to sleep.

If you suspect that your dog is digging in your bed sheets because they are feeling hot or cold, try adjusting the temperature in the room or providing them with a comfortable and appropriate sleeping area.

He Is Seeking Comfort

Dogs may dig in your bed sheets to get cozy and comfortable. No matter how expensive a dog bed you purchase, they may try to use it. They try to adjust the surface to their liking or create a cozy nest by scratching the bed sheets. Perhaps they don’t like your bumpy bed sheet.

Providing your dog with plenty of exercises, mental stimulation, and attention can help prevent excessive digging and ensure they are comfortable and happy. You can give them the “stop it” command whenever they try to scratch your sheets.

Nesting Behavior

Bed scratching is a dog’s maternal nesting instinct, in which she is trying to make a comfortable spot for her new pups. It’s a natural hormonal response in female dogs that are pregnant or nursing, but it can also occur in other dogs who feel the need to create a cozy spot for themselves.

Therefore, it is imperative to get veterinary advice and confirm if your dog is pregnant or not.

He May Have Found Parasites

Dogs may scratch bed sheets if they have found some parasites, such as fleas or mites. They find themselves on a mission and may dig your sheets. If the process continues even after some time, try to replace your bed sheet or clean it.

Other Common Reasons Why Dogs Dig Into Their Bed

Here are other common reasons domestic dogs dig in your bed late-night.

To Denote Their Territory

Do you know how keen your little furry fellow is to let every other dog in the neighborhood know that they walk past a street?

But how do they showcase their territorial behavior inside the house? Well, by digging in your bed. Having scent glands in their paws and digging in your bed sheets, they deposit their scent in that area.

To claim the space as their own is a way of dogs. They may signal that they see the bed as their territory by making a cozy spot for themselves.

They are Anxious

Sometimes, dogs may dig on beds and couches out of boredom or anxiety. By doing so, they are venting out all their negative energy. This is especially true for dogs left alone for long periods and does not get enough exercise or mental stimulation.

Thus it is a great idea to distract them by taking them on long walks or playing with them. Anxiety is a widespread problem in dogs. Make sure your dog does not fall prey to it.

They Might Be Curious

Have you recently bought a bed frame, new mattress, or sheet set? Then you got the answer. Your dog might be digging your bed out of curiosity. Dogs love to explore new and unknown things.

Ways to Protect Your Dog’s Bed Against Scratching

Scratching is a dog’s instinct, but it can become a headache for a dog owner. To prevent your dog’s bed from destruction, follow these precautions.

Trim Your Dog’s Nails

Overgrown nails can lead to discomfort and even injury if caught on something and can cause scratching. Regular nail trimming can help keep your dog’s nails at an appropriate length.

Give Them Other Ways To Play

If digging your bed has become a game for your dog, then it means that he is not getting enough stimulation. Therefore, we recommend you take your dog out for long walks and give them toys to play with.

Calm Your Anxious Dog

Anxiety is a common issue in dogs which can manifest in multiple ways. To help calm your anxious dog, we will suggest certain ways. Take them out for regular exercise, provide them with distractions, and play with them. If none of this helps, seek professional help.


Dogs may scratch bed sheets for various reasons, including creating a comfortable spot, marking their territory, or seeking attention. Regular grooming and providing your dog with a comfortable sleeping area can help address this behavior.

It’s important to rule out any underlying health issues or anxiety that may be causing excessive scratching.

Why Does My Dog Scratch My Bed Sheets FAQs

How Often Should You Change Sheets if the Dog Sleeps with You?

If your dog sleeps with you, change your sheets every 3-4 days to maintain good hygiene and prevent potential skin irritations or infections. However, if you experience any allergies or asthma, try to change it more frequently.

Is it Hygienic to Have a Dog in the Bed?

A dog in your bed is generally safe and hygienic if it is healthy, clean, and parasite-free.
Dogs carry certain parasites, ticks, and fleas. Therefore, sleeping with your dog increases the chances of vector-borne diseases. People who are very old, very young, or immune compromised should avoid sleeping with a dog.